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Understanding the Rules

  • The rules are a basic guide to the expected conduct and delivery of the community. While we would like to outline each and every violation that can result in the removal of a post, or the banning of a user, we simply do not have the time nor space to list each and every possible infraction. If you have a question on if something is allowed or not please send us a Mod Mail or ask the community in the Discord Server.
  • Just because you have been banned does not mean the ban is permanent. If you are not familiar with why you were banned we ask you to reply to the ban notice in a polite and mannerly way and a mod will respond in detail as to why you were removed from the community. Arguing about the ban, or insulting the mods will most likely result in the ban becoming permanent.
  • If you have a legitimate issue with a rule, or feel the way it has been explained is flawed or erroneous we ask that you send a Mod Mail here about it. We do, however, still expect the said rule to be followed.
  • We consider the use of an Alt account (an alt account is an alt account when there is another account by the same user that has accessed and attempted, completed, or started a trade on /r/hardwareswap) as unacceptable and will result in the alt account being banned. The main account's permission to stay will be determined on a case by case basis. The use of an alt account while the main account is banned or not allowed to post to be circumventing the rules and will result in both accounts being immediately and permanently banned.