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Posting Limits

Time Between Posts

  • New posts, meaning no item being listed has been listed before, can be made every 24 hours.
  • Reposts, meaning an item was listed before, 48 hours must have passed since last posted.
  • There is a 24-hour cooldown between new posts and reposts.

Reposting and Bumping

  • There is no formal “bumping” mechanic to Reddit or Discord. This is why we allow “reposting” after 48 hours. This follows the repost rule above where waiting 48 hours (2 days) is required before reposting or “bumping.” This applies when adding reposted items to a new post.
  • Discord posts will refresh for one hour after a new reply has been made to the post. Replying to your post to refresh it is allowed only every so often.

Making Changes

  • Any adjustments to price, quantity, condition, or other details can be made within the body of the post at any time.
  • Do not place pricing information in the post title. Editing the title is not possible on Reddit. Ensure your title is accurate and free of pricing on Reddit and Discord.